Saturday, August 11, 2012

Washington DC, Day One

We've arrived safely in Washington DC after a red-eye flight.  After flying across the states on Virgin America, I can understand why people fly business class - this was a tough one.

Over the last four days we've lost 19 hours, of which at least eight were good sleeping hours, so am feeling a little shot.  When we got into DC, we then had to catch a bus into town (a good half-hour journey), then a subway journey to stay with friends, so it's been a long day on two hours sleep.

So... a quick nap, then back to it!

This afternoon our host took us around DC to see some of the local monuments - Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln monuments.  Once again, very surreal to see these huge structures that you've seen throughout popular culture in person for the first time - especially the Lincoln Monument, the huge statue seated, quietly reflecting.

Then, after working through the monuments, we went for dinner at Bugsy's in Arlington, VA.  I'd highly recommend, if you have a spare few hours when visiting DC, that you head out to Arlington and have a look around.  The structures are beautiful brick buildings from the time of the Revolutionary war.  

Tomorrow = Museum Day.  Smithsonium Day.

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